Who:  Middle school aged students 

Days/Dates:  Various dates and events

Class Location:  We will visit natural areas in and around the Grand Rapids area.   We offer different trips to natural areas around west Michigan for learning experiences.

Times: Variable  


Price:  depends on event

Field Days:  We will take a bio-blitz type approach as we will use a variety of tools as we document all species that we encounter during our outing.  We will identify, or document as many species as possible, and with this information, determine the quality of the habitat that exists based on species diversity and abundance.  We will also learn about a special animals and their habitat, including plant species.  

For each field day there will be a homework assignment, which might include reading, watching videos, or research on individual species.  Our homework and research that we assign is not the focus of this educational experience, nor a requirement, rather an opportunity for a student to maximize their learning.  

Each student will be given a field journal where they will take notes, make an occasional sketch, and keep samples and specimens found such as leaves, feathers, etc..  At the end of the day we will take a short time to talk about what we saw and learned, as well as take time to document these things in our field journal.

Goals:  For students to gain a basic understanding of ecology, linking the interactions of plants, animals, and their natural community.